Bellalago Charter Academy is a district-managed school offering a rigorous academic environment in kindergarten through grade 8. At Bellalago Academy, students and parents have the opportunity to spend 9 years in a nurturing, supportive environment where the staff prepares them to be future-ready citizens of our community. Bellalago Mariners are responsible, respectful, and safe. Be a Mariner!
Dr. Melanie Cleveland
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(407) 933-2143STEM Olympiad Winner
The agriculture science program promotes a better understanding of the living environment, research, and training on the development of the agricultural productivity and farming. Students will study animals - their habits, their traits, and their roles in the environment. Learners become critical thinkers, make cross-curricular connections, and increase supplemental experiences while creating a positive and safe school environment to ensure that our students are successful academically and emotionally. The agri-animal science program allows students to have direct interaction with nature when growing and harvesting crops and raising and caring for animals as part of their curricular activities. Sunrise Elementary is harvesting the future zoologist and botanists of our community.
Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies, home of the WILDCATS, has a long-standing tradition of excellence. We strive to meet and exceed the needs of every learner on their journey to greatness. The students at Thacker not only demonstrate a commitment to their own learning, but also a commitment to their peers and their community in a way that strengthens their own social, emotional, and academic development. We pride ourselves on being a kind, tolerant and inclusive community of achievers.
Parkway Middle School prepares students to be global citizens. Students will be challenged to make connections to real-world situations and central themes to understand how our world is interconnected. Students take action through service learning in grade level and group projects to make a difference in our community. Parkway students have an opportunity to take high school credits during middle school, preparing them for rigorous high school classes. At Parkway, students will work on being communicators, thinkers, risk-takers, and inquirers, which are all attributes needed to be productive adults.
Westside K-8 is a caring school family that puts students first in all decisions. We strive to nurture and support our students to develop individuality, independence and critical thinking. The diverse faculty and student body makes Westside an inclusive environment giving the students a global perspective to succeed. The K-8 setting allows staff to develop strong long-term relationships with families through the elementary and middle years.