School Choice Team
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Multi-Level Schools

Find your Osceola School District Multi-Level School.

Bellalago Academy

Bellalago Charter Academy is a district-managed school offering a rigorous academic environment in kindergarten through grade 8. At Bellalago Academy, students and parents have the opportunity to spend 9 years in a nurturing, supportive environment where the staff prepares them to be future-ready citizens of our community. Bellalago Mariners are responsible, respectful, and safe. Be a Mariner!

Alternative School



see School
Canoe Creek K-8 - Environmental S.T.E.M.

Canoe Creek K8 is Osceola County's premier Environmental STEM school. Through a hands-on, minds-on approach to learning, students at CCK8 will develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for the 21st century. Our on-site nature preserve and gardens allow opportunities for student exploration and inquiry. The E-STEM focus at Canoe Creek K8 will prepare students for the future and give them tools to help build sustainable, informed communities that are environmentally sound. The school is a cohesive learning community in which students are given the opportunity to grow academically and emotionally. The staff is committed to providing an enriched and rigorous education through exploration within a diverse community where all children succeed beyond the K-12 system.




see School
Celebration School K-8

Celebration School is committed to creating a compassionate community of learning, exploring, and creating. The staff takes great pride in challenging each student to reach his or her highest potential. Celebration School focuses on providing a rigorous, student-centered curriculum to prepare students for college and careers.




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Knights Point K-8 School - Osceola Business Academy

Our school is a business education Choice School that aims to provide a safe and creative culture by building relationships, resulting in high academic and social achievement for ALL students. Knights Point K-8 is a professional community characterized by a shared vision of achievement, collaborative work and the collective responsibility of all stakeholders.




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Osceola County School For The Arts

Osceola County School for the Arts (OCSA) is founded on the parallel learning and cross-disciplinary values of academic rigor and artistic enterprise. In addition to high-quality, classical training in their chosen arts area, our OCSA artists develop an innovative spirit and creative confidence from collaborative inquiry and performance-based learning.




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Osceola Virtual School

Osceola Virtual School (OVS) is the district's virtual school offering equitable access to a high-quality KG through Grade 12 program providing flexibility of time, location, and promoting the development of 21st Century skills. This program of study is standards-based and individualized through the internet and other distance learning technologies.




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Voyager K-8 School - Environmental STEM

Voyager K8 is Osceola County's brand-new Environmental STEM school. Through a hands on, minds on approach to learning, students at Voyager K8 will be immersed in experiences that will develop the knowledge and skills needed to make an impact on the world. The E-STEM focus will prepare students for the future and give them tools to help build sustainable, informed communities that are environmentally sound. Our staff is committed to providing opportunities in which students can learn and grow academically, socially and emotionally together.




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Westside K-8 School

Westside K-8 is a caring school family that puts students first in all decisions. We strive to nurture and support our students to develop individuality, independence and critical thinking. The diverse faculty and student body makes Westside an inclusive environment giving the students a global perspective to succeed. The K-8 setting allows staff to develop strong long-term relationships with families through the elementary and middle years.




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